MAGIC CUBE is a simple thing~~xD ^^

Tat wat i do when free time~~xD

=when luan luan time~~^^

=one page done de...dis is the first step~~

=then make two tow same~~step 2!!!

=then make each row de colour like got one 'T'~~[see up side down...u will like 2 row same colour n a upper oso tat same colour]

=almost wan finished d....going to last step~~step 3!!

=done d~~xD step 4 finished de~~

=3 side look~~

=another 3 side look~~xD DOn3~~~^^

=dis is one problem wit easily way can solve d~~xD

=done it~~hahahxx...easy ler...???

anyone wan learn~~???can linked me....or just add me~~!