SwEeT MeMoRi3S In G3nTiNg~~=P [22/09/09]

just now press dao Esc~~
all canceled d....
let me wan type again....

monday & wednesday nothing to blog....
so i just blogging tuesday only ya....
sowie sowie~~xP


i loveb today~~~xP.....nice nice day~~~=P
yesterday night stay at cousin house ....
around 2++ we only sleep~~
we at there zhap-ing....=P

we chat about many thing....xP
most special is chatted about ghost tat time....
half story~~~start rain n thunder storm.....omgx~~
so we stopped d....=P
n chat other happy thing....xD

from 10++ we start chat....
so many thing to chat ya....??xP
chat till 2++ then 5.30 i needed wake up.....omgx~~
enough sleep ma me???
nvm...i felt i enough sleep gua...xD

woke up at 5.30 but alarm snooner till 5.40 i only woke up~~=P
then prepare go out d...
we go out from house at 6.30...
then go meet wit dad n mum they all...
at taman rahsna de bah kut teh shop~~
around 7.30 we started our journey~~
at cars we chat again...xD
then cousin n auntie sleep d...
but i cant sleep...
so i at there listen song n taken some pict~~~
let's see see~~~^^

=when reach genting d~~~

=take 2~~

-----------------ONE HOUR PASSED----------------

we reach GENTING d~~~YeaH!!!
reach there then find parking at first world hotel~~
finded d...then calling mum n dad asked they reached ald or not...
then mum hanging up my call n say.....we ald at casino d....swt la~~=.+"
call me find fourth sis....
then i called around 6 call they only hang up....KNS~~

me n cousin family straight go outdoor theme park d...
to bought ticket~~~=P
we boughted the ticket....400++ for the fee's~~
uncle pay...thanks UNCLE~~~^^
but sis haven reach theme park...
so i need wait sis....
around 9 sis came to the theme park...
so we start play....
the first game is spinner....nice~~
me & best cousin[gerad] & sis & uncle play only....
then other help us take pict....
let's see see~~~

=uncle scaring???xD

=me n cousin chatting~~

=me n best cousin~~~leg no enough space to put~~=.+"

=the rocket skate~~

so nice.....but damn cold n blow up all my hair...shit la....xD
don care it d....play is the important~~=P
damn cold after play the spinner.....
stupiak de me....forget bring jacket~~=.+""
then uncle say got abit faint....xD

second is cup tea....
me at there play till to high d....
finish d....got abit faint faint d....xD

then straight go play pirate boat....
first time i play the pirate boat felt wan vomit....kns~~
sure is just now play the cup tea then the faint still haven finished...
so felt wan vomit....
but lucky no vomit....hahahhaxx~~=P
at the pirate boat~~we at the shock n shout out!!!
we no scared de....just got one row de girl at there shout till like so scary like tat....
so we planed to shout out 96 than them....
hahahxx.....me shout till no sound....hahahxx...sot de right??

later go play n play n play~~~xD
played flying dragon.....fourth sis hurt at there...
bcoz we playing when the flying dragon is working....
when turning tat time...sis heated at the flying dragon seat there....
but no pain la....just 'O ci'~~=P

then we played fast boat~~
whole body sweat sweat n hair too....omgx~~swt man~~=.="
later played mini train~~~
n taken some pict at this two place~~

=sis going to the top of the road~~xD BYEs~~

=sis n peace~~~

then go play other thing....
lazy say d~~~xD

we play till almost finish d...
then go played wan chg token the games~~~
we payed around 40++ only win one big big big de dolpin n some small de~~xD
i cincai throw de...then get it...
at the time damn happy...hahahxx...
n the stuff go open alarm to like ppl know....
swt~~my cousin tolded me say the stuff wan take me go prison....bcoz win their first price~~~xD
swt la him~~=.="
alot ppl keep looked at us....xD
let's see the pict~~~=P

=the dolpin~~i called it 'pin pin'~~xD

=120cm long~~xD at my room~~~xD

then we dun wan play d....
go eat...around 12++ d...
tired lo~~~xD eated mary brown....
i cant eat finish my food....xD
called cousin help...
dunno why i no felt hungry de....wakakakxx....xD

eat finish d...around 1++~~
we cannot play first...
bcoz just eat finish...then vomit lo....
so auntie called we all go seat the monorain train...
at there wait till 1 hours ++ then only can seated~~
bored at tat time...xD
seated the train....n take pict~~~
n sampat de us at the shout out to other was playing game de....
n oso say welcome n bye bye to other ppl are coming n going back de...
they got choi us ler...xD
let's see we take d pict....my anutie call me don take d....
later phone drop then HUAT lo...xD

=shoot one~~

=shoot two~~~

=shoot three~~~

=shoot four~~~

=shoot five~~~

=flying coaster~~~next time i wan play de~~~

=first world hotel~~~

around 2++ finish the whole part of genting...xD
then we wan continues play d....
but alot ppl....
so we just walk walk n see whether which is the most less ppl play de...xD

around 3++ d....we saw cyclone no ppl...
so we go play....xD
wuHHuuu~~~nice la....tat game.....
n tat game oso id the ladst game....
we going to go back d...
around 3.30 si go find dad n mum to went back to klang d...
then me n cousin at there waiting uncle n anutie came from casino~~~

around 4pm we go back klang lo....
bye bye to genting~~~xD
on the way going back house....
damn jam~~~
so need use up 1 hours n 30 minute only can reach klang....
at car i really beh tahan d...
wan sleep lo...XD

=the ticket~~~^.6

----------------ONE HOURS N 30 MINUTE PASSED----------------

reach klang d....
we straight go eat....
eat wat???
eat steamboat is the best way~~~xD

around 7++ we eat finish....
then i went back cousin house first...
then later sis only came to uncle house house fetch me....
around 8++ went back house....

but went to sis house to pick niece go back...
but at there chat chat...
10++ only go back house~~~

me is damn tired n happy....
take bath d...
then at there watch tv till slepted d...xD

tat's all for my genting trip~~~xD
alot story...but i really lazy to type d....
now i wan go play poker d...
long time no play lo...xP
good night...sweet dream~~

i bought one shirt....death note de....
love it alot~~xD

=back view~~~=D

=front view~~~=P

A cup of LOv3~~?? =.="[sWt!!]


today busy till like shit!!!=.="
like an actor OR artis~~ [think too much le la me~~] =X
why i so busy???
today woke up at 10++...
then preparing for go kong hoe canteen day's...
bcoz i got free de coupon....RM 60
so went there for having my breakfast....
reach kong hoe aroubd 11++....
bored la....no one i KNOW wan....=.+"
nvm...around 11.30 fren come....
then wit them walk walk....
my fren more sot...go bought RM 80 coupon...
dunno how they spent it lo....hahhaxx...
forget it ba~

later go back shop bai bai.....
then rushing go back house...
for prepare go eat buffet??or call dinner arH???
watever la!!actually is married de dinner....
but night cant book dao place...
so at evening having the dinner lo....
capture some pict....let's see~~~

=they at there ZHAP-ing...xD shot one~~

=they at there ZHAP-ing...xP shot two~~

=i cham soda n wain...=X cant drink de...xD

fun at there....alot cousin at there...
my best counsin seated in same table....=P
then we chatting at there....DAMN zhap de lo~~=.="
nvm....long time no see d ma....sure zhap la...
we chatting about~~~~~~~****************************
then take pict when 'salute'....
let's see see~~=]

=the whole family....no taking by me de....by hui ping...xD
=the most leng zai n leng lui...=P

=SALUTE~~~but got abit blur hor...??XD

got abit blur hor??
hahahxx....nvm....salute tat time damn funny....
i say SALUTE~~~!!my best cousin say CHEERR~~~!!
then my uncle n aunty they all at there say 'YAM SHENG'~~
damn swt lo....OMG~~~
nvm...really alot at there....=p

go back house...then at there watch tv...n slept d....
i felt more early sleep will more more more more more more SLEEPY lo~~!!!!=.+
nvm...around 7++ wake up n prepare go out eat.....
eat finish d....
then when to grandma house....
mum n dad chatting wit my grandma n aunty...
me n sis at there kepo...LOL~~
around 10.30 when back....
reach house then go wash my stocking....=]
bcoz tuesday wan go genting....ecited....=]
then online lo....
on facebook....but no fren playing poker....
why huh???swt~~=.="
tat all for today....
later wab go dl video again..x.D


i felt i today have nothing to blog la...=]
nvm....just blog some....
me whole day pia-ing my homework....
but still haven done it...=.="
nvm....pia till 3++ then pei sis go cut hair....
sien la....
nothing do at there....
later jiu went back shop watch tv betta....

later 6++ prepare go my aunty house have dinner...
bcoz before wanna married sure will call all family de....is my brother cousin going married d....=]
gong xi gong xi to they two ba....forever together o...=P
at there eat n zhap at there....with my best cousin lo....xD

later 10++ went back house....
felt tired....watch one eps drama then go sleep d...
so no blogging lo....xD
sowie ya....=D
tat's all for today~~~

beside tat...when at the dinner....my uncle n mum planing go genting....
wuhhHHHuuuu~~~shuang arh!!!
my uncle all family going,my aunty n aunty de husdand n her daughter going....n my whole parent so go...xD
then me have being called go my uncle car sit...xD
bcoz can zhap wit my best cousin ma...=P
so monday i will went to my uncle house stay for one night...=X
then go genting wit they whole family lo....
nothing le la...xD
tat's all...so i wont going to online on monday d.....
may be at uncle house will online....but wont blogging lo...=p


nothing have to blog la...xD
nothing to say....
tat why i friday no blogging....
no mood to blog...
ok la...tat all for my friday...=P

more swt the thing in my life happened....swt arHHH~~=.="
my uncle say me more 3 year can gether married....
wat la....my face look like so geng in kao girl meh...???
tat NO!!i wont being to couple in dis year d....
or may be next year oso wont....if she wan me then i sure will couple wit her....but have i think alot d???=.+"
i have to concentrate my study first??tat my reason???
IMPOSSIBLE!!my is the once no study type de la.....=.="
nvm....i still wan concentrate at all....=p
jia you for me...xD

me going to being single for dis years~~=P


This is from one song de lyric.....
n translate by ME d~~~
this song is korean song lai de.....i use the software of translate word to translate~~~
Let's see see~~~ ----MEANINGFUL----

Finally I realize...
That I am nothing without you....
I was so wrong....

My broken heart like a wave~~
My shaken heart like a wind~~
My heart vanished like smoke~~
It can't be removed like a tattoo....
I sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave in....
Only dust are pilled up in my mind....[Say Goodbye]~~

I thought i wouldn't be able to live even one day without you......
But some how i managed to live on longer than i thought......
You don't answer anything as i cry out "I MISS YOU"
I hope for vain expectation but now it's useless.....

What is it about that person next to you,...???
Did he make you cry...???
Dear can you even see me....???
Did you forget completely...??

I am worried,i feel anxiety because i can't get close nor try to talk to you....
I spend long nights by myself....erasing my thoughts a thounsand times~~~

Don't look back and leave~~
Don't find me again and live on~~
Because i have no regrets from loving you~~
Take only the good memories~~
I can bear it in some way....
I can stand in some way......
You should be happy if you are like this....??
Day by day~~~
I become dull!!!!

I cry,cry~~
You;re my all,say goodbye~~

If we pass by each other on the street~~~
Act like you didn't see me and go the way you were walking to~~~
If you keep thinking about our past memories....
I might go look for you secretly~~~

Always be happy with him...
So i won't ever get a different mind...??
Even smallest regret won't be left out ever~~
Please live well as if i should feel jealous~~
You should always be like that bright sky~~
Like that white cloud....
YES!!!you should always smile like that as if nothing happened.....

Don't look back and leave~~
Don't find me again and live on~~
Because i have no regrets from loving you~~
Take only the good memories~~
I can bear it in some way....
I can stand in some way......
You should be happy if you are like this....??
Day by day~~~
I become dull!!!!

I hope your heart fees relieve.....[I LOVE YOU SO]
Those tears will dry completely....Yeah~~(as time passes by)
It would've hurt less if didn;t meet at all!!!!
Hope you will burn our promise of being together forever baby~~
I pray for you....Babe~~

Don't look back and leave~~
Don't find me again and live on~~
Because i have no regrets from loving you~~
Take only the good memories~~
I can bear it in some way....
I can stand in some way......
You should be happy if you are like this....??
Day by day~~~
I become dull!!!!

Don't look back and leave~~
Don't find me again and live on~~
Because i have no regrets from loving you~~
Take only the good memories~~
I can bear it in some way....
I can stand in some way......
You should be happy if you are like this....??
Day by day~~~
I become dull!!!!

Oh Girl.....
I cry cry....
You're my all...
Say goodbye,bye~~
Oh my love...
Don't lie,lie~~
You're my heart.....
Say GOODBYE~~~~~~=[

My BroKeN HeaRt Like Wav3..???=[


yesterday i have begin to slept damn late....5 am only sleep~~
at there playing poker...=]
beside dl-ing some thing....then convert it~~i meaning video~~^.6

morning wake up as i sure....8 am....
really no enough sleep at ALL!!!LOLxx~~
nvm...reach shop d...i do something fist...
then slept d....xD
till 11++am...da ge sms me to tell me 12.30 wan go tuition d...
so i stop sleep n go prepare~~~=]

reach tuition center at 2.40pm~~~
before reach tuition center....
at the way going tuition....
we at there alking crap crap... =]
then we plan to go kong hoe carnival day's~~
the first time kong hoe make carnival~~~=X

at room...sit with HER same row...
but i beside de la....ohter row....
she even dun wan choi me.....=[
suan d....i should art like so SO sOOOooooOO HAPPY!!!!

finsih class rushing go back....
bcoz going rain d....xD
n next week no tuition....



happy for no need do homework.....
sad for cant meet her d.....
almost two week only can meet...
sad SAD~~~=[

reach shop~~at there sms with fren~~~
then jiu prepare go back house d....
reach house watch drama then go play poker.....

today i earn alot ler....got luck d....
but i stoped it at 1++ bcoz i wan do my stuff~~~=]
till now only free to blogging lo...xD
okay la...tat's all for today~~~

my broken heart like wave~~~
my shaken heart like a wind~~~
my heart vanised like smoke~~~
it can't be romeved like a tattoo~~~ =[

BeGgInG YoU To bE MinE~~~~??>.< Che3R UP!!!!


today is me going for the last da...before skul reopen~
OMGx~i planned to go skul tomoro....but my leng zai fren...dun wan go...Then???
suaXxx lo~~no need go~=]

today at skul damn-ing~~~~~~~~~~
dunno wan do wat at there...
jusT SLEEP for two period....=X
i cant control my self to dont sleep~xD
sowIe lo~~~To mE~~~>.<

today is VS's de husband birthday....
hahhaxx....i saving him to dont get beat from HIGH SKUL 'bian tai' ppl~~
hahhaaxx....i saving him...but he still go die~~StuPiaK!!
nvm....i still need wish him happy birthday~~~=]

finish skul...go back shop...then prepare for tuition lo...
today tuition damn-ing 'shui shui shui'....
First-'ca yi dian' jiu accident....but im sure!!!i no wrong at ALL~~=]
Second-KZ book gv me de seat is SPOIL de~~
nvm...i chg~~
Third-Grace tay 'wu lai me' say i no concentrate at class~~~=.="
Forth-Grace tay call high skul skul go clen white board.....
included me~~~OMGx~~~
Fifth-finish tuition d....raining day~~so,i needed rushing go back wit my lovely bike~~>.<

tat all my "SHUI" thing.....omgx~~~OMG!!!!!
nvm la...still okay....i accept it~~i'm shui!!!

reach shop at there watch tv n beside listening song~~~=]
bcoz today got alot new song...just dl de~~=X
then later prepare going back house~~~

reach house...play poker...facebook de....
kns la...at the firs keeping losing.....
116+++ like tat lose till-------------50+++.....
is me stupid???keep throw..???
LOL...nvm...now,i win back d....129+++ lo~~

tat all for today~~=]
END for today~~~=]


i woke up at 5.15...then i sleep at 3~~
waHH~~felt me geng..???LOL
see more forward for my blog....u will know wat happen.....[14/09/09]

today early wake up....
bcoz cant sleep at all....
my hand pain~~~
but wake d....no pain d....good~~WeEEEEE^^
then prepare for go skul...
& at there self shoot~~=]
let's see~~~

=shoot 1******=)

=shoot 2......=P

=shoot 3_____=X

=shoot 4--xD

=shoot 5~~=]

then reach skul.....meet fren.....
stupiak Felix remind us[my fren they all] today is his birthday....
wat he mean a...???wan us to wish him...??
IMPOSIBLE~~high skul got one history....
whose birthday will get present from all class room student....
the present is........................get beat from we all.....xD
he say wan ponteng escape from tat beat....
hahahx...but he scare...so,get beat lo....xD

i no beat him....but punch got la...xD
he is so memories in his birthday...=]
anyway,i still will wishing him...happy bithday Felix~~^.6

finish skul....going tuition....
reach EA....we plan to go new place eat....
tat's restorans call~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~forget d...hehehe....=-="
eat finish...at there walk here walk there...
but finally still go mamak meet fren n at there ZHAP~~~

go room d.....siting at trolley behind...
she got abit tall....LOL~~
nvm.....i was at there makking laughing....xD
andy n his fren get call to sit infront more...
then they all seated at xT behind....
n wit two indian girl...
i suan-ing andy tat's go in no problem then come out d....the girl will pregnant....xD
hahahxx...alot fun at there...
n the trolley & her fren oso at there laughing....xD
wait...she know us...???confusing wit this~~=.="
beside,today she coming for tuition....
i felt guai guai de.....
but oso dun wan ask her....forget it ba....
tat she problem~~~=]

finsih class....saw one ppl was so pity~~~
i should pei ***...???impossible....
i cant even know *** la.....wakakkakxx...
just say shuang nia....=P

reach shop then take a rest....
later watch music bank....
lastly i know the heartbeaker is who sing d...
he is G-dragon...from big bang de.....
n he not even one time come for music bank perform~~~LOL
nvm...i oso dl ald he song...xD

then perpare go back house....
reach house d....
first time play poker....
i winning alot bucks~~50+++~~=]
tat's all for today~~~


today nothing special at skul....[if got special....i think i oso forgetten d...xD]

at shop sleeping....may be when i sleep....
i slept wrong skill...
make my hand pain~~~the 'ken' pain~~~

but around 8++ pain d...
but i dont care it.....
n still go tecso gai gai...
pict from my niece~~~see see_____=D

=shoot one niece~~

=shoot two niece~~~

=shoot three nice.....

=shoot four---niece

then around 10++ reach house...
playing wit niece....
then later 11++ going sleep d....
felt hand so pain....
so i put medicine.....
but no effect...
so,i try for second time....
then go sleep d...
but still pain n pain n pian...
beh tahan d....
call dad bring me go see doctor...
at tat time 1.45am...
i still remember....bcoz on the way....i keep look at the time...xD
not why...=]

go pantai see doctor....
the doctor take my hand up n then at there turn one time.....
n say my 'ken' pain.....
my dad asking need to 'da zhen'..??
the doctor say no....eat medicine will good d....
so,eat medicine lo......

reach house eat medicine n sleep...
tat time ald 3++ d...
enough for me to sleep meh..????
haiyo....suan d....
just sleep la....more good then no sleep me....=X
tat all for today~~~

i now learning learning korean word....xP
n i just realize....haru haru are so meaningful for me n my fren tat got problem at love~~~=[
cheer up ya.....=] / =[

FriSt tiMe fiRst MaKE!!xD


waa...yesterday 4++ only sleep...
but got one ppl dun wan let me sleep...
tat is xiao mei....
kacau-ing me....=X
nvm...i dont care her then i jiu slept d...
but she oso send last msg to me d..
so no care nvm la....xD

today woke up at 11++ then go play SDO...
wuhuhuHU~~~up till lvl 5 d...but need 50 combo wit team mode...
wan go find fren d...
n i chg my SDO charater de hair style....xD

then later go bake sushi...
yeah...alot fun...
my 4th sis become my teacher...=x
n i now going to eat it...hahahs~
let's see see...tat i taken when making...xD

=the sushi~~=] shoot 1~

=my teacher making~~xD

i cincai do de sushi...hahas~~

=sushi n the wasabi n sauce~~~^^

=wan take a piece to try...??xD

=my sushi n the green tea...for my breakfast~~=]

then later jiu take some sushi for my jie fu...
n find my nephew...=]
hahahs...he let me bao bao..xD
let's see i taken de pict about jun xuan~~

= i bao bao-ing jun xuan take de...=]

= he know how to blekk....xD

=he going to sleep d...but i waking him...xD

till now at sis house onine n blogging....
while wait my sis come fetch me...xD
tat all for my half day....=]

I WaNnA FoRgeT u....WHY u sTiLL ReMemBeRinG me~~=-=''' =[


WuhuHUuuu~~yesterday i 3++ only slept....
then 8++ wake up go shop....sien arHHH~~~=.+
reach shop d...do something at there first....
then 9++ sleep till 2++ only woke up...
bcoz too hungry d....only wkae up de...xD
wanna find thing eat...=]
eat finish d....then jiu rushing do my acc homework....
i straight do it finish....wakakaxx...Geng de me~~=W
then around 5++ jiu finsih le...
at there watch tv...xD

later tat...jiu prepare go out eat....mum no cook~~
go eat wat...???
eat bah kut teh lo....
long time no eat d....=]

eat finsih bah kut teh d....
then jiu go aeon bbt walk walk.....
i bought chocolate,green tea,make sushi de thing,HL n some snack....heheh....
wanna pokai d....xD
let's see see....=]
i just capture some i like de...xD

=dis is my green tea n my chocolate....xD....two add up 10++ lo~~~xD

=make sushi de thing...xD....needed around 35 like tat..xD
i love sushi so mUcH~~~~=)

yeah yeaH....tomoro morning wanna wake up make sushi for my breakfast....
if can...tomoro i bake alot...then bring go skul gv fren try...xD

but i no plan to wake up earlier....
bcoz i wan play com till late night....hahahs~~
okay la....till here d....
i wanna go play SDO d....
yesterday no play dao haiz.....T______T
but i now have to wait i dl-ing de thing....
or not later play SDO comfirm lag de...xD
NOthing to blog d.....

just now i see-ing the 2ne1 de song-In the club....
the lyric translation really so good...
let's me realize tat......................haizZz....
forget it ba....
i think i have the betta way is dun wan couple now...
concentrate on my study....but i still will waiting her...=]

i dunno i make dis way is stupid or silly or hopeless....
but im sure i make dis way will be the betta way~~=]
i wan try to learn more about tat...
tat's why i say i wan to find my way...
i wan a different way...
but i dun wan sorry now....
and i will everyday pray~~~

tat's all i learning NOW.....!!!

feel me so stupid n silly rite..??
but i felt tat reaLLy really REALLY benefit for ME!!!!!!
sorry for my hater....
i will be more stronger....=]
pls behave your self~~~~HATER!!!!!!>.<

BraVesT LOV3 HER~~~=]

SILLy de M3~~I adMiT iT~~=[

=FRIDAY= [11/09/09]

oH no~~today i was wwake up late~~
shit~~let huang chin wait me....
so PS ler...>.<
he keep calling me....
but i on the way d...so no hang up~~=]
then reach skul d...
dunno why felt so hungry....
then at canteen eat d...HL-chocolate milk & laksa curry(early in the morning eat curry~~sot de me...xD)
then i found out i bring so many thing!!xD
let's see see~~

=my skul bag + badminton bag~~=X

but later i felt tyng juo oso same like me...
bring many thing~~hahahs~~

=then Emerson bag + me + Tyng juo de bag...xD

when moral period we all are SAFE~~hahas~~
MR. GUNA no check hair...hahas~~

then finish moral d...
go back class d n then at behind class there playing shoting ball-by using badminton de ball...hahas~~have alot fun there....i still open song to listen...till my phone battery become 21% d~~=.+" sweat~~
anyway,have alot fun there....i not taking pict...bczo tyng juo he taking d~~=]

finsih skul d...
me,patrick,Emerson,David,Sky n many more...
going hall for play badminton....
sweat~~today damn sui.....
keep losing on match~~haizzzZZZ~~
but just a match for fun nia...i haven serious at all...wakakkak...xD
while playing badminton....
SHE sms-ing for ask me how to do add math question~~
then SHE asking me to do add note for her again...
impossible i will REJECT HER de....
so,i accept~~~[say tat truth i ald prepare for tat d...no need she call me do]=]
so silly de me izit..??XD
then later around 3++ i went back shop....
go back d....
bath n eat n then play Huang chin borrow me de DS play whole day...hahahxx...FUN...=]
then around 8++ d....
going back house n give it back to Huang chin...xD

reach d...went to 2nd house again...
n my nephew sleep again....=.+"
beside he sleeping....
ny niece say wan 'bao bao her di di'
so we let her bao bao lo...
then i capture dis...hahhas~~
let's see~~

=Jun xuan & Jing YI~~=]

then going back d...
i go bought burger for my SUPPER~~
tat's all for today...
n me now going to WISH HapPy BirThDaY to Khai Teng~~^^[12/09/93]
may all ur dream come true o~~xD

Nothing tp blog d....


Today nothing special at skul...
i just know i ponteng-ing PJK period....
bcoz too sien d....betta at class do work...xD
then go chemistry lab...and then i wrote dis...xD
let's see see~~


n this is my class shirt design....
i suppose to upload at 11/09/09 de....But forGet d...=]

=front view~~~

=i no so like dis back view at all....xD

then later....my sampat fren they all sing sang song....
n singing 'THE MOST OLD OLD DE SONG"....
we still sing tat all song for ONE PERIOD!!!OMGx~~>.<

finish bio i jiu wan prepare for going back shop n prepare go tuition~~

today lucky....no need walk...got eng ann bus...hahahs~~
before tuition i go eat porridge~~
still okay la the taste....just got abit 'guai gaui de'
anyway,later go room...
sitting wot fren the first...
then Ah Low call we all do 2 question....
but i copy the example d...
then at there EMO-ing....
forget about the question d....
then Ah Low call me go sit wit yi lin tat row....
felt HaPpY n bored~~
bcoz no one chat wit me...KNS~~
lucky still got danny they all got talk wit me....
or not i will EMO at there again~~^.6

finish class d...jiu went go back shop....
beside going back...sure muz pass through KP...
on the way...stupid Da ge wan me n David speak cantonese...
hahahxx...alot nonsense at there...xD

then later jiu rwach at 6 like tat....
the mostly early i reach....
normally i will back at 6++ de...heheh~~

reach shop n then bath eat n prepare going back...
tat's all for today....
N today oso is Geng girl BirThdaY~~so i oso going to wish her HApPy BirtHday~~^^


today i damn wondering....
why alot ppl today de day just will only one life only can see...
i felt so SO sO so SO soooOOOOOOOOOOOO SWEAT!!!=.+"
not everyday de day oso will only seem one life only..???
sweat la~~~>.<
nvm...say back....today damn bored at skul...
whole day playing the DS....
capture dis....see see~~=)

=view 1~~=X

=view 2..=D

playing till no battery....hahaas~~=]

later finish school~~going back shop for prepare go tuition~~
today i was late go tuition....
but Grace tay late then me...sweat~~=.=

on class,grace tay giving latihan tatabahasa gv we all do...
at the first i still got do....
but last three question i just do one...
n then at there play wit KZ n CS~~
they call me fight wit them...see who type most fast.....
then play till half...
grace tay come in catch CS de fren...bcoz she sms-ing n not doing tat latihan~~
but me n CS n KZ is SAVE~~
hahahhas....lucky de me~~^^
later jiu go back d....
reach shop.. bath n eat n watch tv...
the go back house...
tat's all for today~~


today i so scare....i scare i 'lao sai'...
bcoz all my parent kena d....
expect me...so i prepare alot tissue paper...
but lastly no use up...=.="

today at skul oso nothing special....
just felt like wan sick like tat d....
so,i at skul keep rest~~
no talk at all~~x[

then later going tuition d....
at mamak i order roti planta~~but i no eat finish....
may be is wei tong ba...
so i at there playing the roti....hehe~~
at mamak like wan die....KNS d...
but finally before tuition jiu okay abit d....
when tuition,sugu asking question then i answer wit loud voice...
hahahss....alot ppl keep looking is who did de...xD

then finish tuition d....
felt dizzy an agian....
i tolded cheng...
if i faint d...remember bring me back....hahahs....
lucky i still can tahan till house...xD

at KP saw xiao me....
so i called her....
hahahxx....n acc her go her tuition center....but just half way....
bcoz i beh tahan d...xD

reach shop d....straight sleep....
till 7++ only wake up....
then all my tired ald finish...xD
n today my niece can go back from hospital d....
she become so thin d....mum say de~~
anyway,today mum no cook...so go out eat....
then later jiu go back house n heard 3rd sis oso lao sai d...
just left me haven kena....
tOUCH WOOD!!i sure cannot kena d...xD
nothing to blogging d....


today is holiday day....
so nothing going skul....
but wake up at 11++ then go hospital visted my niece....
then at there take care her for whole day wit last sis~~
my niece dunno go sick or not de....
still look like so happy....
let's see see~~

=with nice smile tim~~xD

=she most like de charater...mickey mouse~~=X

=pain hand~~~kelian....one small hand can become so BIG!!!

=no pain de hand~~~

me n sis at there so bored...
so i bought alot snack at there eat...while niece at there sleeping~~~
alot fun n tired at there....
n the most oH NO thing is....
i keep using dis~~let's see~~

=damn smelly de....xD

there de ppl call me muz use dis....
bcoz my niece de sick can speard de.....
so i keep use tat...
then later 10++ only back...
go back d...
faster prepare for tomoro go skul....
KNS...>.< let me prepare till 12++~~
tired de la....U KNOW~~???

nothing to blog d....tataz~~
good night = sweet dream....

i wan go play SDO d....
two day no play le....

i felt nowsday,i became more more silly d....
izit got..????=[