HaPpY BirThdaY FoR YoU~~^^

hey guy~~
i just wan drop some blog here~~^^

i just went back from a birthday party~~xD
who birthday~~??
Angeline man~~

wish her happy birthday~~~
n her all dream come true~~~

me n sis going for here birthday party....
just a small party...buffet party~~
at there eat & crap crap crap~~
n take pict~~~^^[pict will upload soon]
n lastly we eaten the fruit cake...

n wanted to wish my er jie fu happy birthday~~~
n now was 0000 d~~
so wanted to wish huang chin happy birthday d~~
[currently alot ppl birthday in november]=.="

hey hey~~
lazy to blogging d...
ciaoz ciaozz ciaozzz~~~

[going to watch joy hello baby & go to school]
[today nothing to download~~xD]